Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
BeSimply. . .zDream
BeSimply. . .zDream
A meditation to take you into the void and zDream.
Dive in and enjoy!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Gifts of Love!
| |
Jane get me off this CRAZY thing. . .
| |
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Help Support LinkTV....An Authentic Connection to the World
LinkTV's Fundraising Drive and share this with your networks, if your inspired!
Television without Borders!
1. Check out LinkTV
2 . You can use the attached graphic and create a link on your SMN and/or websites.
3. Tweet or Facebook post ideas....or create your own.
Why do I like LinkTV?
I like LinkTV because they are creating and distributing authentic news, cultural and music programs.
Spread the love and the community we can stand strong.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
July 17 : Conscious Convergence Ceremony LIVE On Your Computer!
Please join us for a powerful afternoon!
July 17 begins the 2 day energetic of the Conscious Convergence. This powerful moment assists with the continuation of the Harmonic Convergence of August, 1987, and is the call to action for those who are ready to assist with the global and personal release of constraint and separation energies. This day also signifies the consecration of the Rainbow Bridge between the Americas, and the ignition of the Universal heart energy. Indigenous Elders worldwide will celebrate ceremonies on this day, and you are invited to ignite your heart, free your soul and stand in the presence of oneness with all. Gather your friends and join us LIVE via the web on July 17 for this rare and beautiful moment.
July 17 begins the 2 day energetic of the Conscious Convergence. This powerful moment assists with the continuation of the Harmonic Convergence of August, 1987, and is the call to action for those who are ready to assist with the global and personal release of constraint and separation energies. This day also signifies the consecration of the Rainbow Bridge between the Americas, and the ignition of the Universal heart energy. Indigenous Elders worldwide will celebrate ceremonies on this day, and you are invited to ignite your heart, free your soul and stand in the presence of oneness with all. Gather your friends and join us LIVE via the web on July 17 for this rare and beautiful moment.
Hear the call of the Mayan Elders!
The July 17 Conscious Convergence will be observed by elders
worldwide. Experience this Ceremony and Celebration on your computer
and call forth the release of constraints both personally and globally!
This SOLD OUT Event Is Available to Watch LIVE

THIS Saturday, July 17, 3-6pm PST
A One Day Celebration of Ascended Spirit and Sacred Ceremony
Is now offered as a Live Streaming Event!
Special Guests : Jayla · J Brave of the Luminaries · Faith Rivera...
Celebrate ancient prophecies and modern revelations : revealed for the FIRST TIME.....
Experience a LIVE Archangel In-soulment...
Forever shift the way you live your life!
On May 17, 2010 the FIRST reunification Altar between the Ancient Maya and the
"outside" world was consecrated at TOSA La Laguna in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
On July 17, 2010 the consecration of the 60 day anchoring MUST take place on the
"other side" of the rainbow bridge held at the powerful and magical site. It is also the
marker day that begins the last cycle of the Mayan Calendar ending November 11, 2011. Help
bring forth the gift of a new earth that sustains ALL and cultivates peace, love and joy.
During this moving and powerful event Sri and Kira will discuss the cataclysmic events
ahead that will challenge you, while revealing opportunities for new understanding,
empowerment, and life-changing spiritual awareness. Sharing the wisdom and predictions
from Mayan high priests and revelations from the Archangels, they reveal the necessary
thrival skills that are no longer ancient mysteries for just a few.
While many are still pondering December 21, 2012 and the Mayan calendar, Sri & Kira are
already living at the Sunrise of humanity, the natural evolution of the experience of a
dark night. Now, it is Your turn!
Event Streamed LIVE today!
The July 17 Conscious Convergence will be observed by elders
worldwide. Experience this Ceremony and Celebration on your computer
and call forth the release of constraints both personally and globally!
This SOLD OUT Event Is Available to Watch LIVE
THIS Saturday, July 17, 3-6pm PST
A One Day Celebration of Ascended Spirit and Sacred Ceremony
Is now offered as a Live Streaming Event!
Special Guests : Jayla · J Brave of the Luminaries · Faith Rivera...
Celebrate ancient prophecies and modern revelations : revealed for the FIRST TIME.....
Experience a LIVE Archangel In-soulment...
Forever shift the way you live your life!
On May 17, 2010 the FIRST reunification Altar between the Ancient Maya and the
"outside" world was consecrated at TOSA La Laguna in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
On July 17, 2010 the consecration of the 60 day anchoring MUST take place on the
"other side" of the rainbow bridge held at the powerful and magical site. It is also the
marker day that begins the last cycle of the Mayan Calendar ending November 11, 2011. Help
bring forth the gift of a new earth that sustains ALL and cultivates peace, love and joy.
ahead that will challenge you, while revealing opportunities for new understanding,
empowerment, and life-changing spiritual awareness. Sharing the wisdom and predictions
from Mayan high priests and revelations from the Archangels, they reveal the necessary
thrival skills that are no longer ancient mysteries for just a few.
While many are still pondering December 21, 2012 and the Mayan calendar, Sri & Kira are
already living at the Sunrise of humanity, the natural evolution of the experience of a
dark night. Now, it is Your turn!
Event Streamed LIVE today!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Gifts of Love from Suzanne Toro
Hello! I am sending you deep love from my heart
and gratitude from my entire energetic being.
I just celebrated my Birth-Day. Each year,
I count my blessings and give thanks for all the
beautiful beings and experiences that have
touched my life.
These include: the homeless person that has
spoken profound words, the innocent child speaking
the truth, and the tribe that surrounds me.
Which leads me to share this with all of you...
In January of 2009, I was called by the Hopi Indians to
come to the Hopiland and remember a truth that
was forgotten. I can only explain the calling that
I felt in my heart and my gut, one that was guided
by the highest power, LOVE.
We were being shown the Path to Home!
The "I" tried to ignore the Indians.
"I" tried because my 3-D mind had an endless excuses.
"I" was attached to my obligations already planned for the weekend.
"I" finally surrendered and drove 800-900 miles,
across the painted desert, in one day to the Hopiland arriving at 11:11 p.m.
The land spoke to me and connected
me to me to my inner being. I was being reminded of the US
that was buried deep within all of US. . .for this point-in-time.
On the first journey, as we arrived on one of the mesas.
We were guided to visit the 1st mesa (3rd mesa).
The native Indian explained, "We have been waiting for you."
He welcomed US into the ceremony.
The sacred ceremony was with the White Buffalo
and as we watched the dance 3 times over that day.
Each time, more of the story was being revealed:
connecting US to the ceremony within the dance and
a story being revealed between each dance.
A story of the sacred marriage, the Union
between the masculine and the feminine within self,
between man and woman,
between native tribes and all beings on this planet
and between "man" and mother earth.
We were being reminded of the Union
that had been violated long ago
(and maybe only honored by a few).
We have always carried this Union in our heart
and in our DNA. We were called there to remember
these truths and asked to deliver the gifts that had
been placed within our beings at the time of creation.
Balance, Love and Truth!
They shared these stories with US
and welcomed US into their homes
and shared yet another story . . .
which finished at (but really started at)
the flower mound and the oldest part of the mesa,
a familiar place where WE use to stand.
I placed OUR hand on the flower mound and began
to pray for the earth, the snow, the sun, the wind and
the seeds of light to be birthed again. Then, a raven
appeared to lead us down the mesa to the 2nd Mesa
where we would sit in silence and pray over the valley floor.
We were lead from the Hopiland down to Sedona. A raven
and hawk guided us to where we were to travel to. Our
feathered friends showed us when to stop and connect
with the land. As I drove into Sedona, I knew that I would
be called back to the Mesas by the Hopis. While, they gave
me their numbers and invited me to the other ceremonies, I
knew I would have to just feel and listen to when I was to return HOME.
Then, on my last birthday, I was called again
by the Hopi's to the Hopiland and for
two hours the rainbows appeared and lead us into
the northern desert of Arizona. "I" understood
why they called US there once again. . .
to remind US what was forgotten...
the Sacred Marriage and voice of the Native Hopis.
The Union with SELF.
The Union with ALL Beings.
The Union with LIFE.
We were greeted by a much different picture when
we arrived but the Indians were waiting and showed
US again what we had forgotten and where humanity
is standing today. As we started to leave, the Native
Indian said to us, "My brother has some poems for you
please do not leave." A man appeared out of no where
and handed me a series of poems, which I am sharing the first one here.
Tears streamed down my face as he read the poem about
the sacred marriage---which used the metaphor of the rainbow and
two worlds joining from end to end.
With this letter, I am gifting you with 3
sacred meditations with the memories embedded
in each one. The music birthed by two sacred beings, Blue Star and Peter Sterling, who were sent here to remind us of our LOVE and Truth! The MAIDEN is honoring her promise to share that which
we have forgotten and that which lies right before US.
If we so do choose, we can find the Path Home and merge
into our Sacred Marriage, and birth the Seeds of LIGHT!
BlueStar (BlueStarLove) and Peter Sterling. . . I bow to
both of you with deep gratitude and LOVE!
Please honor these beings for their gifts are
for all of you and are from beyond this world!
Please support their sacred gifts with gifts of love.
If you are inspired, please Pay these Gifts of Love Forward
to all of you love. During these extreme times of change
connecting with our inner self and finding balance will lead us to HOME.
I thank the Hopi's for calling me home and returning
the poems to me. I am sharing the first poem with the words
from the Hopi Farrow Suly, Sacred Marriage, and poems,
Path to Home and Seeds of Light, from the Maiden. . .
We are ALL being given an opportunity to travel HOME.
Take these gifts in as you wish: a meditation, a prayer or a lullyawake.
With deep gratitude I give thanks to all of you! Enjoy!
and gratitude from my entire energetic being.
I just celebrated my Birth-Day. Each year,
I count my blessings and give thanks for all the
beautiful beings and experiences that have
touched my life.
These include: the homeless person that has
spoken profound words, the innocent child speaking
the truth, and the tribe that surrounds me.
Which leads me to share this with all of you...
In January of 2009, I was called by the Hopi Indians to
come to the Hopiland and remember a truth that
was forgotten. I can only explain the calling that
I felt in my heart and my gut, one that was guided
by the highest power, LOVE.
We were being shown the Path to Home!
The "I" tried to ignore the Indians.
"I" tried because my 3-D mind had an endless excuses.
"I" was attached to my obligations already planned for the weekend.
"I" finally surrendered and drove 800-900 miles,
across the painted desert, in one day to the Hopiland arriving at 11:11 p.m.
The land spoke to me and connected
me to me to my inner being. I was being reminded of the US
that was buried deep within all of US. . .for this point-in-time.
On the first journey, as we arrived on one of the mesas.
We were guided to visit the 1st mesa (3rd mesa).
The native Indian explained, "We have been waiting for you."
He welcomed US into the ceremony.
The sacred ceremony was with the White Buffalo
and as we watched the dance 3 times over that day.
Each time, more of the story was being revealed:
connecting US to the ceremony within the dance and
a story being revealed between each dance.
A story of the sacred marriage, the Union
between the masculine and the feminine within self,
between man and woman,
between native tribes and all beings on this planet
and between "man" and mother earth.
We were being reminded of the Union
that had been violated long ago
(and maybe only honored by a few).
We have always carried this Union in our heart
and in our DNA. We were called there to remember
these truths and asked to deliver the gifts that had
been placed within our beings at the time of creation.
Balance, Love and Truth!
They shared these stories with US
and welcomed US into their homes
and shared yet another story . . .
which finished at (but really started at)
the flower mound and the oldest part of the mesa,
a familiar place where WE use to stand.
I placed OUR hand on the flower mound and began
to pray for the earth, the snow, the sun, the wind and
the seeds of light to be birthed again. Then, a raven
appeared to lead us down the mesa to the 2nd Mesa
where we would sit in silence and pray over the valley floor.
We were lead from the Hopiland down to Sedona. A raven
and hawk guided us to where we were to travel to. Our
feathered friends showed us when to stop and connect
with the land. As I drove into Sedona, I knew that I would
be called back to the Mesas by the Hopis. While, they gave
me their numbers and invited me to the other ceremonies, I
knew I would have to just feel and listen to when I was to return HOME.
Then, on my last birthday, I was called again
by the Hopi's to the Hopiland and for
two hours the rainbows appeared and lead us into
the northern desert of Arizona. "I" understood
why they called US there once again. . .
to remind US what was forgotten...
the Sacred Marriage and voice of the Native Hopis.
The Union with SELF.
The Union with ALL Beings.
The Union with LIFE.
We were greeted by a much different picture when
we arrived but the Indians were waiting and showed
US again what we had forgotten and where humanity
is standing today. As we started to leave, the Native
Indian said to us, "My brother has some poems for you
please do not leave." A man appeared out of no where
and handed me a series of poems, which I am sharing the first one here.
Tears streamed down my face as he read the poem about
the sacred marriage---which used the metaphor of the rainbow and
two worlds joining from end to end.
With this letter, I am gifting you with 3
sacred meditations with the memories embedded
in each one. The music birthed by two sacred beings, Blue Star and Peter Sterling, who were sent here to remind us of our LOVE and Truth! The MAIDEN is honoring her promise to share that which
we have forgotten and that which lies right before US.
If we so do choose, we can find the Path Home and merge
into our Sacred Marriage, and birth the Seeds of LIGHT!
BlueStar (BlueStarLove) and Peter Sterling. . . I bow to
both of you with deep gratitude and LOVE!
Please honor these beings for their gifts are
for all of you and are from beyond this world!
Please support their sacred gifts with gifts of love.
If you are inspired, please Pay these Gifts of Love Forward
to all of you love. During these extreme times of change
connecting with our inner self and finding balance will lead us to HOME.
I thank the Hopi's for calling me home and returning
the poems to me. I am sharing the first poem with the words
from the Hopi Farrow Suly, Sacred Marriage, and poems,
Path to Home and Seeds of Light, from the Maiden. . .
We are ALL being given an opportunity to travel HOME.
Take these gifts in as you wish: a meditation, a prayer or a lullyawake.
With deep gratitude I give thanks to all of you! Enjoy!
Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhvantu!
Life to All! Love to All! Peace to All!
Life to All! Love to All! Peace to All!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Mayan Rainbow Bridge!
Please join US!
Anchor and complete the Mayan Rainbow Bridge!
Anchor and complete the Mayan Rainbow Bridge!
After a Rainfall
The Air Freshens
A Bright Rainbow Appears
High Above
Joining Each End
Like Bridging Two Worlds
Farow Suly
The Air Freshens
A Bright Rainbow Appears
High Above
Joining Each End
Like Bridging Two Worlds
Farow Suly
On May 17, 2010 the FIRST reunification Altar between the Ancient Maya and the "outside" world was consecrated at TOSA La Laguna in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
On July 17, 2010 the consecration of the 60 day anchoring MUST take place on the "other side" of the rainbow bridge held at the powerful and magical site. It is also the marker day that begins the last cycle of the Mayan Calendar ending November 11, 2011. Help bring forth the gift of a new earth that sustains ALL and cultivates peace, love and joy.
During this moving and powerful event Sri and Kira will discuss the cataclysmic events ahead that will challenge you, while revealing opportunities for new understanding, empowerment, and life-changing spiritual awareness. Sharing the wisdom and predictions from Mayan high priests and revelations from the Archangels, they reveal the necessary thrival skills that are no longer ancient mysteries for just a few.
While many are still pondering December 21, 2012 and the Mayan calendar, Sri & Kira are already living at the Sunrise of humanity, the natural evolution of the experience of a dark night. Now, it is Your turn!
Send questions or inquires to
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Stillness at the Break,
of a New Day.
A breath of air,
Leading the way.
Illusions fade
What would you trade?
For Freedom to Roam,
Laugh and Play.
Devour the landscape
Resurrecting the
Memories which have
Begun to fade.
The flower nourishes
the purity, the sanctity
and the remembrance
of the divine fragrance.
Dancing within US...
Simplicity rises with
the warmth of a flame.
Igniting the recognition
the landscapes beauty
lies in every direction.
A breath of air,
Leading the way.
Illusions fade
What would you trade?
For Freedom to Roam,
Laugh and Play.
Devour the landscape
Resurrecting the
Memories which have
Begun to fade.
The flower nourishes
the purity, the sanctity
and the remembrance
of the divine fragrance.
Dancing within US...
Simplicity rises with
the warmth of a flame.
Igniting the recognition
the landscapes beauty
lies in every direction.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Society: Some say it is just SMOKE and MIRRORS...The symbolism embedded in Multi-Media
Hall of MIRRORS: Connecting back to Self, Soil and Society (part 3 of 3)
Today, I was greeted in my skype in box with a blog link from Blue. Someone wanted to know if I was still promoting “this group”---The Black Eyed Peas.
Their question stemmed from this blog:
I felt compelled to comment and this is how I responded: “Your ability to look at the IMMA BE video content and take many aspects from it is quite in depth and potentially proves:
1. We are influenced by our environment.
(Note: You draw attention to Will’s logo with the owl. Please note he used this brand in the Haiti relief effort too, not just his clothing line. Owls are a design motif and are very popular right now: merchandise, clothing, products. While it could be a symbol of death and it might be appropriate. It feels to me like our world is going through a literal and metaphorical death on many levels. In addition, the owl represents many things including wisdom. It is possible Will is reflecting what we are all feeling and he has his own identification with the owl. You better ask him.)
2. Our perception directly relates to how we perceive a book, a movie or any aspect of life.
(Note: the video provoked you and ignited something in you to take the time analyze it and showing all the hidden meanings. Brilliant and in-depth undertaking. I would encourage you to do this with a master piece. The BEP’s intention with this entire album was developed from the primal need to just escape and wanting others to have fun and forget all their stress. All the music is simple repetitive and embeds itself in your mind. Quite frankly I find it maddening but children love it. What they are embedding if you listen to the words they do not even match up to the video and the incorporate a second song called rock your body. Which is just another song about CHICKS. So, it is really hard knowing the simpletons that the BEPs are at heart that there was even this much thought put into all the hidden meanings.)
3. Symbolism does have a powerful place in the conceptual process, development and final creative product.
(Note: the suggestion that transhumanism is a core belief system of Will’s or the Black Eyed Pea’s is questionable; however, I cannot speak for any of them nor should any of us for that matter. I would suggest posting this on his page at Dipdive and see if he responds.)
I can assure you that while the BEPs have influenced millions, the thought and meanings you put into this article---potentially do not exist within the creation of this video or the music. However, I do think you raise a good point that we should all be mindful with what we present to the world. Especially, if we have millions of eyes on us and we are making millions of impressions. I personally would have guided them to suggest and inspire others to think about the possibility of our future.
Which could be as you know, quite the opposite of what seems to inspire...WILL.I.AM. I can only speak from my observations and interactions with all four of the BEPs is they have kind hearts, filled with the desire to be loved and to love...and the power to entertain the world. Even though, their music might not vibrate at a high harmonic frequency, they proved me wrong...the world still wants to shake their booty and have a good time. I GOTTA FEELING...there is something else embedded in this album and IMMMA BE. To hear more of the their true nature check out ONE TRIBE and Where is the LOVE.”
I leave all of you with this if you had a million eyes on you and a 3-5 minute music video to communicate your reflection---what do you want to mirror to the world.
Send me your link and your reflection to
In service with love, laughter and peace,
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hall of MIRRORS: Connecting back to Self, Soil and Society (part 2 of 3)
SOIL: You are what you eat?
It was a peaceful afternoon on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia. Blue and I set out to interview a woman named Dawn Myers from Backyard Bounty. Dawn, former project manager for a software development company, followed her calling to make a difference in the world. Three years ago she had the desire to grow organic fruits and veggies---a passion Dawn had fostered for 20 years by growing organic veggies for family and friends. Paul, her husband, encouraged her to take the leap and leave the desk job behind and start Backyard Bounty. Dawn confident in her ability to grow food with a deep desire to get her hands in the soil full-time while providing organic, locally grown produce, moved with Paul to Gibsons and started a CSA program.
The seed of Backyard Bounty started in the front yard Dawn’s home. She and Paul took the entire lawn and converted it into a vegetable crop. Which she grows from 5 months out of the year. From there Paul built a greenhouse out of salvaged items from the local dump. Their combined efforts have created the infrastructure needed for their urban farming. As I spoke with both of them about what inspired them to start this project. They both shared how produce in our markets is rather limited. We have settled for the basics and relied on hormones, chemicals and pesticides to produce the basics. Dawn grows 92 varieties of vegetables which gives here community a new food experience. As she pointed out her clients are not afraid to try new things because it is included in their box of produce each week. She even includes recipes for those who have not idea what to do with certain vegetables.
What you struck me was as Paul described the strawberries available in the supermarket. He said, “Everything is right about the strawberry. It is the right shape, size and color but it does not taste like a strawberry.” Then, the very next day, I walked into a local supermarket. A man picked up a carton of strawberries and looked at his friend and she said, “You can get those strawberries but they do not taste like strawberries.” He looked at her and then put the strawberries back. As I walked up and down the isles of food, I felt tears swell up in my eyes. We have settled for processed foods, packaged meals, and fruits and vegetables that do not taste like real food. As I swallowed my tears and watched people aimlessly move through the store selecting the food that was a good value or on special. I realized we are what we eat. I ask you, If that is statement is true, what do you deserve and what do you choose to nourish your body and family with? Chemicals, processed foods with preservatives, dyes and chemicals? OR Fresh, locally grown, organic food which supports your well being and your community? What do you want to mirror?
With that I give great thanks to Dawn and Paul for being committed to delivering organic produce to their community! Check them out at...localorganicveggies
It was a peaceful afternoon on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia. Blue and I set out to interview a woman named Dawn Myers from Backyard Bounty. Dawn, former project manager for a software development company, followed her calling to make a difference in the world. Three years ago she had the desire to grow organic fruits and veggies---a passion Dawn had fostered for 20 years by growing organic veggies for family and friends. Paul, her husband, encouraged her to take the leap and leave the desk job behind and start Backyard Bounty. Dawn confident in her ability to grow food with a deep desire to get her hands in the soil full-time while providing organic, locally grown produce, moved with Paul to Gibsons and started a CSA program.
The seed of Backyard Bounty started in the front yard Dawn’s home. She and Paul took the entire lawn and converted it into a vegetable crop. Which she grows from 5 months out of the year. From there Paul built a greenhouse out of salvaged items from the local dump. Their combined efforts have created the infrastructure needed for their urban farming. As I spoke with both of them about what inspired them to start this project. They both shared how produce in our markets is rather limited. We have settled for the basics and relied on hormones, chemicals and pesticides to produce the basics. Dawn grows 92 varieties of vegetables which gives here community a new food experience. As she pointed out her clients are not afraid to try new things because it is included in their box of produce each week. She even includes recipes for those who have not idea what to do with certain vegetables.
What you struck me was as Paul described the strawberries available in the supermarket. He said, “Everything is right about the strawberry. It is the right shape, size and color but it does not taste like a strawberry.” Then, the very next day, I walked into a local supermarket. A man picked up a carton of strawberries and looked at his friend and she said, “You can get those strawberries but they do not taste like strawberries.” He looked at her and then put the strawberries back. As I walked up and down the isles of food, I felt tears swell up in my eyes. We have settled for processed foods, packaged meals, and fruits and vegetables that do not taste like real food. As I swallowed my tears and watched people aimlessly move through the store selecting the food that was a good value or on special. I realized we are what we eat. I ask you, If that is statement is true, what do you deserve and what do you choose to nourish your body and family with? Chemicals, processed foods with preservatives, dyes and chemicals? OR Fresh, locally grown, organic food which supports your well being and your community? What do you want to mirror?
With that I give great thanks to Dawn and Paul for being committed to delivering organic produce to their community! Check them out at...localorganicveggies
Friday, April 16, 2010
Soft threads wrapping
around a shell.
A precious stone
buried beneath
the tongue of many
forgotten stories.
Curves with brilliance
in conjecture.
An outlandish,
from the cockles
of the connect.
Chortles rattle
off the hard walls.
Softening the
interior with
each impression.
The mouth opens
revealing truth...
in the belly
of laughter.
around a shell.
A precious stone
buried beneath
the tongue of many
forgotten stories.
Curves with brilliance
in conjecture.
An outlandish,
from the cockles
of the connect.
Chortles rattle
off the hard walls.
Softening the
interior with
each impression.
The mouth opens
revealing truth...
in the belly
of laughter.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Hall of MIRRORS: Connecting back to Self, Soil and Society (part 1 of 3)
Self...Reflections...What are you mirroring in your day to day lives? It is your Truth?
Last week, I sat down to write about the hall of mirrors. It seemed effortless, I would weave a thread, between our self, the soil and our society, connecting us back to the many reflections we project to others and observe on a daily basis. Then, as the day progressed it appeared that I was destined to learn more about truth. I was being asked again to stand in my truth. That the reflection I was seeing and hearing all day was stand in your truth. Be honest with where you are right in this moment and if you look around everyone that is close to you is mirroring to you what your afraid to admit about yourself or reveal.
You might ask, “So what did you see in your reflection or who is the fairest of them all?” I saw myself, the earth, and humanity depleted tired and ready for a SHIFT. I saw myself scared and slightly worried about if the world economy was going to implode or metamorphous into a new era. I saw myself still clinging to the OLD paradigm. Then, as I traversed through a series of emotions...I took a deep breath and said myself, “It is not my TRUTH to project or embody FEAR or scarcity.” Those emotions leave all of us feeling depleted.
You might ask, “how do you shift this reflection?”
First, I needed to allow those emotions to wash through me, like a soft rain on a summer day after a huge lightening storm. Then, I released the anxiety stress and emotions go by taking several deep breaths. Second, I decided to shift the reflection and move back to a position where I was forward moving. Taking action to attract what I needed. Rather than hold onto old ideals and methodologies, I let go and opened up to what is possible now. Third, I reminded myself of where I want to stand in my truth which is committed to reminding the world of their divine nature, pure love, laughter and inner peace. By connecting back to my true self, I felt calm and ready to keep moving forward and committed to reflecting serenity.
What is your truth? Connect with it, embody it and mirror it!
Last week, I sat down to write about the hall of mirrors. It seemed effortless, I would weave a thread, between our self, the soil and our society, connecting us back to the many reflections we project to others and observe on a daily basis. Then, as the day progressed it appeared that I was destined to learn more about truth. I was being asked again to stand in my truth. That the reflection I was seeing and hearing all day was stand in your truth. Be honest with where you are right in this moment and if you look around everyone that is close to you is mirroring to you what your afraid to admit about yourself or reveal.
You might ask, “So what did you see in your reflection or who is the fairest of them all?” I saw myself, the earth, and humanity depleted tired and ready for a SHIFT. I saw myself scared and slightly worried about if the world economy was going to implode or metamorphous into a new era. I saw myself still clinging to the OLD paradigm. Then, as I traversed through a series of emotions...I took a deep breath and said myself, “It is not my TRUTH to project or embody FEAR or scarcity.” Those emotions leave all of us feeling depleted.
You might ask, “how do you shift this reflection?”
First, I needed to allow those emotions to wash through me, like a soft rain on a summer day after a huge lightening storm. Then, I released the anxiety stress and emotions go by taking several deep breaths. Second, I decided to shift the reflection and move back to a position where I was forward moving. Taking action to attract what I needed. Rather than hold onto old ideals and methodologies, I let go and opened up to what is possible now. Third, I reminded myself of where I want to stand in my truth which is committed to reminding the world of their divine nature, pure love, laughter and inner peace. By connecting back to my true self, I felt calm and ready to keep moving forward and committed to reflecting serenity.
What is your truth? Connect with it, embody it and mirror it!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Society: Money Matters or Does it?
Soil: Get DIRTY. . . Plant a Garden!
1. Improve your family's health.
2. Save money on groceries.
3. Reduce your environmental impact.
4. Get outdoor exercise.
5. Enjoy better-tasting food.
6. Reduce food waste.
7. Discover your green THUMB!
1. Improve your family's health.
2. Save money on groceries.
3. Reduce your environmental impact.
4. Get outdoor exercise.
5. Enjoy better-tasting food.
6. Reduce food waste.
7. Discover your green THUMB!
8. Extra food to share with others.
SELF: Make love to your food. . .
What have you been waiting for?
What I have come to value from visiting small villages and underdeveloped communities is the attention put into consuming and preparing the food. I have watched an entire family prepare a feast for each other and then take the time to eat for hours on end. During the meals, they eat with their hands, laughing, and licking their fingers. Just watching everyone enjoy, makes my heart skip and my mouth water. This experience inspired me to start eating as many meals as possible with my hands.
If you want to begin making love with your food, I encourage you to leave the silverware in the kitchen. Can you imagine rolling around in bed with your lover with a utensil to avoid physical contact, until he or she was delivered to your mouth? Until next time...Try it! I will share a few more ways to make LOVE with your FOOD and the many health benefits.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Trusting LOVE to reveal the TRUTH!
I am flying home from the sunshine coast in British Columbia, Canada. Where in five short days, I reconnected in the physical realm to a dream, a reality and a memory of someone that has captured the attention of many, including me. Blue Star lives in the mystical Elfinstone, B.C. Canada where he creates many gifts for humanity. His voice and spirit are being fed into the creation of the magical “children” (the flutes), his film productions and simplicity.
Blue and I have been traversing a similar path through Arizona, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Canada, California and many other parts of the world weaving our way in and out of a story still being revealed to both of us. However, I am certain this story has been about LOVE, TRUST and making a commitment to speak and embody our TRUTH in every moment.
Our adventures have required both of us to let go of many aspects of ourselves. Which is leading us to our metaphorical is within our slow death that we are starting to live in our truth. During our short visit, we often looked into each other’s eyes reflecting and resurrecting the truths that we have not always had the strength to speak from our inner voice. Simultaneously, realizing that we have not been heard or trusted ourselves enough to completely embody and share our divine gifts with the world. With this deep realization about myself, I am continuing to surrender to all aspects of myself.
As we started to co-create, the passion seemed to rise up in both of us as our reflections intensified. Our common and different passions for life were revealed to both of us. The film maker in Blue wanted to record these deep passionate revelations; while the, still, somewhat timid side of myself had not surrendered to sharing my truth on film. Which made me realize, I should not be afraid to share my truth with others. Most importantly, it is time for both of us to feed our passions into the world. Our fire will lift us up and ultimately those who resonate with our TRUE VOICES will be there to share their wisdom with us.
Which leads me to share what I stumbled upon during my journey to Elfinstone:
“This is a noble place to be as a composer, and if Mozart was correct in saying that death is truly the goal of life, then his last two works surely represent the Mozartian musical ideals: Love, Forgiveness, Tolerance and the Brotherhood of Man”
We are finally free when we no longer need to forgive ourselves for our actions. Which enables us to live in love and truth as we embody tolerance and celebrate the brotherhood of humanKind. Until the next time, where we will tune into all that we are letting go of and the creations that will result from our new found FREEDOM.
In Love,
barenakebliss. com
Blue and I have been traversing a similar path through Arizona, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Canada, California and many other parts of the world weaving our way in and out of a story still being revealed to both of us. However, I am certain this story has been about LOVE, TRUST and making a commitment to speak and embody our TRUTH in every moment.
Our adventures have required both of us to let go of many aspects of ourselves. Which is leading us to our metaphorical is within our slow death that we are starting to live in our truth. During our short visit, we often looked into each other’s eyes reflecting and resurrecting the truths that we have not always had the strength to speak from our inner voice. Simultaneously, realizing that we have not been heard or trusted ourselves enough to completely embody and share our divine gifts with the world. With this deep realization about myself, I am continuing to surrender to all aspects of myself.
As we started to co-create, the passion seemed to rise up in both of us as our reflections intensified. Our common and different passions for life were revealed to both of us. The film maker in Blue wanted to record these deep passionate revelations; while the, still, somewhat timid side of myself had not surrendered to sharing my truth on film. Which made me realize, I should not be afraid to share my truth with others. Most importantly, it is time for both of us to feed our passions into the world. Our fire will lift us up and ultimately those who resonate with our TRUE VOICES will be there to share their wisdom with us.
Which leads me to share what I stumbled upon during my journey to Elfinstone:
“This is a noble place to be as a composer, and if Mozart was correct in saying that death is truly the goal of life, then his last two works surely represent the Mozartian musical ideals: Love, Forgiveness, Tolerance and the Brotherhood of Man”
We are finally free when we no longer need to forgive ourselves for our actions. Which enables us to live in love and truth as we embody tolerance and celebrate the brotherhood of humanKind. Until the next time, where we will tune into all that we are letting go of and the creations that will result from our new found FREEDOM.
In Love,
barenakebliss. com
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
zlovewave project is an unique initiative of a community based approach to bringing in WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS transformation through Music, Education and a sustainable alternate action approach to some of the most pressing problems of our everyday life. The Collective is very important in today’s world in ushering in positive changes through the right dissemination of information & solutions which can pave the way for a living more healthy and abundant in all respects.
Each one of us can do our part by taking action in our lives by creating the LIFE we want to live. All that is required is LOVE and the willingness to come together as a community. This conception will inspire everyone to participate and implement their own divine ideas to catalyze, deploy and support existing and new solutions for our planet and its inhabitants With the vision of harnessing the power of the Collective through the Platform of Music & Edutainment spiced with Love, this seed experiment heralds the beats of the Next-wave in this world seeking love.
The basic ingredients on which zlovewave is based are through Music & Arts, Change agents & Action. Every month zLovewave will introduce Artists, a peak into the vision & work of the agents of social innovation along with unveiling simple actions of Love to engrain in our daily life.
Love through Music carries the power to change the world. The Intention is to bring a transformation in the visual & performing arts, develop a community of forthcoming artists, to support their gifts of music and expression while eliminating the many cumbersome activities required for maintaining and creating a successful career in the Music & Arts Industry.
zlovewave is a show that will be created to connect our global community back to the truth and beauty of music, the arts and the spoken word. These three elements will create a continuous loop which provides the person attending the show to go to a consistent location for content and a medium that is intended to inspire them remind them of living in harmony with themselves, others and the planet. Each show will be inspired by the artists music and the visual expression that support the story or their creation and the integration of the parables that remind us of the art of living. The use of harmonic frequency, visual imagery and spoken word will lead the person attending to a better understanding of what is truly important in their life. For some it might serve as a daily reminder and for other it might exist in the background as they are working or playing.
The Global agents of Innovation puts the limelight on torchbearers in real life who are flaming symbols for change in their local communities. The focus is to bring their efforts at a global level to champion their causes and at the same time present before the world the power behind the words –“Real Change starts at home”. zlovewave takes you to the personal journey of these unsung heroes in our own backyard whose activities are based on pure love & service for the global family.
Acts of Love is based on the ideology of manifesting our heart’s dreams with the first click of support for this enduring global vision. The acts of love forum would focus on simple but long-lasting steps to actually bring the love element through communities in our everyday life. The acts of love not only showcases simple ways of sharing love & support but also actually call every human being in supporting this cause for the highest purpose. The Call to Action for this love wave is to inspire you to plant a garden in your own backyard, lend a supportive hand to whoever needs help, champion and buzz about individuals in your own backyard who do community service in their own special way, the list goes endless.
A Global Call – It is time to come together beyond borders, beyond races, beyond the barriers of caste, creed or sex for the call is sounded for humanity to be the next light workers of change
Click for Love Campaign
Take action, Click and you start the Change:
Each one of us can do our part by taking action in our lives by creating the LIFE we want to live. All that is required is LOVE and the willingness to come together as a community. This conception will inspire everyone to participate and implement their own divine ideas to catalyze, deploy and support existing and new solutions for our planet and its inhabitants With the vision of harnessing the power of the Collective through the Platform of Music & Edutainment spiced with Love, this seed experiment heralds the beats of the Next-wave in this world seeking love.
The basic ingredients on which zlovewave is based are through Music & Arts, Change agents & Action. Every month zLovewave will introduce Artists, a peak into the vision & work of the agents of social innovation along with unveiling simple actions of Love to engrain in our daily life.

Love through Music carries the power to change the world. The Intention is to bring a transformation in the visual & performing arts, develop a community of forthcoming artists, to support their gifts of music and expression while eliminating the many cumbersome activities required for maintaining and creating a successful career in the Music & Arts Industry.
zlovewave is a show that will be created to connect our global community back to the truth and beauty of music, the arts and the spoken word. These three elements will create a continuous loop which provides the person attending the show to go to a consistent location for content and a medium that is intended to inspire them remind them of living in harmony with themselves, others and the planet. Each show will be inspired by the artists music and the visual expression that support the story or their creation and the integration of the parables that remind us of the art of living. The use of harmonic frequency, visual imagery and spoken word will lead the person attending to a better understanding of what is truly important in their life. For some it might serve as a daily reminder and for other it might exist in the background as they are working or playing.
The Global agents of Innovation puts the limelight on torchbearers in real life who are flaming symbols for change in their local communities. The focus is to bring their efforts at a global level to champion their causes and at the same time present before the world the power behind the words –“Real Change starts at home”. zlovewave takes you to the personal journey of these unsung heroes in our own backyard whose activities are based on pure love & service for the global family.
Acts of Love is based on the ideology of manifesting our heart’s dreams with the first click of support for this enduring global vision. The acts of love forum would focus on simple but long-lasting steps to actually bring the love element through communities in our everyday life. The acts of love not only showcases simple ways of sharing love & support but also actually call every human being in supporting this cause for the highest purpose. The Call to Action for this love wave is to inspire you to plant a garden in your own backyard, lend a supportive hand to whoever needs help, champion and buzz about individuals in your own backyard who do community service in their own special way, the list goes endless.
A Global Call – It is time to come together beyond borders, beyond races, beyond the barriers of caste, creed or sex for the call is sounded for humanity to be the next light workers of change
Click for Love Campaign
Take action, Click and you start the Change:
- Artist receives global exposure, a gift of love & a monetary exchange is reciprocated for the song gifted.
- Agent of Innovation receives global accolades, a gift of love and monetary surprise delivered right to their project by zlovewave.
- U receive a new song for your play list, a full heart from helping others, and a call to ACTION.
One brick a time, One hand a time, One love a time, One plant a time will this wave rise.
Let’s see if we can SIMPLY start a Revolution!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Loving Someone Enough to say Good-BYE!
During the beginning of my pregnancy, Jimmy started to lose his eyesight. He lost weight and moved in and out of the hospital. I tried to breathe words of hope into his heart. Simultaneously, I was pulling away from him. I was afraid of not being able to survive without him. I meditated and prayed for him over and over again but I started to understand that Jimmy’s destiny was very different from all of ours. He was here to touch many lives in a short period of time and there was a great beauty and simplicity in the impact he had on others. I was starting to truly accept that his life would be coming to an end.
As my pregnancy progressed, Jimmy became increasingly ill and ultimately went blind. He always loved having my son, Kesic over to feed his fish and he was crushed that he could not see him any more. For the first time, he was frustrated and did not want to accept that he had to rely on others. I began to feel guilty, wishing that I could have been a better friend to Jimmy. I was 8 months pregnant when Jimmy was admitted into the hospital one final time. He was so weak and in so much pain, I could see he was slipping away.
I selfishly wanted Jimmy with us forever but knew this was not the way anyone should live. When I went by the hospital to see him he was on so much morphine that he was not very lucid. When I walked into his room, I knew it was going to be the last time I saw him. Ken and I had an anniversary trip planned for the upcoming weekend and I was certain Jimmy would kick my bottom to the moon and back if we did not go. Our baby was due in a month and this would be our last chance to get away. The hospital staff did not like having a pregnant woman in his room but I ignored their demands. I went into his room and placed his hand on my belly. I just let him feel my belly and then I grabbed his hand and put my mouth to his ear, and I whispered, “I love you. It is okay to go now.” I kissed his check with tears running down my face and whispered, “Good-bye”.
We left on our trip that afternoon and while I felt a lot of anxiety and guilt, I knew that Jimmy would want Ken and me to go on our trip. Yet, I could not shake the great sense of selfishness. I was feeling a sense of confusion not knowing how to be there for Jimmy and truly thinking of Jimmy and his spirit being in bondage in his body. As Ken and I drove up the coast, I began to cry and worry that we should go back, and then suddenly I felt Jimmy’s presence. He was with me, telling me to go and make peace with saying good-bye.
I took the time during our stay to connect with my husband, my baby and my own soul. I made peace with the fact that my Jimmy would be leaving very soon. I was fortunate enough to be staying at a beautiful spa with these magical gardens and a labyrinth made out of large stones. I went to the labyrinth on our final morning there, and as I walked slowly inward I said good-bye to a great love and confidant, one last time. Letting go of Jimmy was a metaphor for my acceptance and willingness to move forward and know that I could survive without him. I was ready to move on and soar with the birds; I put my needs aside and truly embrace the freedom Jimmy deserved in death. Jimmy truly had impacted my life and I felt a deep sense of gratitude for him.
Within this experience of releasing and surrendering to death, I opened myself up to live a fuller life. I began to understand that there is no permanence in life or in death. It is just an endless cycle, which will continue to expand and contract. It became very clear to me that I had the choice to embrace the full cycle of life and move beyond the bondage I felt as my dear friend was dying. I wanted the freedom Jimmy felt.
I carried the peace and knowledge I found in his death with me as a reminder and over the course of the next six months I lost three more young friends who had touched my life. All of them carried the beautiful message to embrace life in every moment you can. Watching all these beautiful friends die, I realized how much I attached myself to their situations and how I did many odd things to cope and protect myself from the potential loss. In their deaths I had to find compassion for myself because initially I began to beat myself up, that I should have been there more or said more or done more. I had to stop the dialogue within my mind and surrender to myself and acknowledge I was doing the best I could within that moment in my life. This is something that we all have to understand about ourselves and others: ultimately we all are doing the best we can. This is never truer then when confronted with someone’s death. It is not a time to judge yourself or others; it is what it is, nothing more and nothing less. Once, you get to a place of acceptance, the judgment slowly moves away and you are able to move on with an open heart. This will allow you to approach all the future dramas that cross your path with true compassion; the drama/pain/trouble will become effortless and much easier to manage. As you embrace and start to really feel the true meaning of compassion you can rely on one thing to support you through the process--Love. It is your essence to your core and you naturally possess the power to share it.
You are love! “Aham Prema”, I am Divine Love!
As my pregnancy progressed, Jimmy became increasingly ill and ultimately went blind. He always loved having my son, Kesic over to feed his fish and he was crushed that he could not see him any more. For the first time, he was frustrated and did not want to accept that he had to rely on others. I began to feel guilty, wishing that I could have been a better friend to Jimmy. I was 8 months pregnant when Jimmy was admitted into the hospital one final time. He was so weak and in so much pain, I could see he was slipping away.
I selfishly wanted Jimmy with us forever but knew this was not the way anyone should live. When I went by the hospital to see him he was on so much morphine that he was not very lucid. When I walked into his room, I knew it was going to be the last time I saw him. Ken and I had an anniversary trip planned for the upcoming weekend and I was certain Jimmy would kick my bottom to the moon and back if we did not go. Our baby was due in a month and this would be our last chance to get away. The hospital staff did not like having a pregnant woman in his room but I ignored their demands. I went into his room and placed his hand on my belly. I just let him feel my belly and then I grabbed his hand and put my mouth to his ear, and I whispered, “I love you. It is okay to go now.” I kissed his check with tears running down my face and whispered, “Good-bye”.
We left on our trip that afternoon and while I felt a lot of anxiety and guilt, I knew that Jimmy would want Ken and me to go on our trip. Yet, I could not shake the great sense of selfishness. I was feeling a sense of confusion not knowing how to be there for Jimmy and truly thinking of Jimmy and his spirit being in bondage in his body. As Ken and I drove up the coast, I began to cry and worry that we should go back, and then suddenly I felt Jimmy’s presence. He was with me, telling me to go and make peace with saying good-bye.
I took the time during our stay to connect with my husband, my baby and my own soul. I made peace with the fact that my Jimmy would be leaving very soon. I was fortunate enough to be staying at a beautiful spa with these magical gardens and a labyrinth made out of large stones. I went to the labyrinth on our final morning there, and as I walked slowly inward I said good-bye to a great love and confidant, one last time. Letting go of Jimmy was a metaphor for my acceptance and willingness to move forward and know that I could survive without him. I was ready to move on and soar with the birds; I put my needs aside and truly embrace the freedom Jimmy deserved in death. Jimmy truly had impacted my life and I felt a deep sense of gratitude for him.
Within this experience of releasing and surrendering to death, I opened myself up to live a fuller life. I began to understand that there is no permanence in life or in death. It is just an endless cycle, which will continue to expand and contract. It became very clear to me that I had the choice to embrace the full cycle of life and move beyond the bondage I felt as my dear friend was dying. I wanted the freedom Jimmy felt.
I carried the peace and knowledge I found in his death with me as a reminder and over the course of the next six months I lost three more young friends who had touched my life. All of them carried the beautiful message to embrace life in every moment you can. Watching all these beautiful friends die, I realized how much I attached myself to their situations and how I did many odd things to cope and protect myself from the potential loss. In their deaths I had to find compassion for myself because initially I began to beat myself up, that I should have been there more or said more or done more. I had to stop the dialogue within my mind and surrender to myself and acknowledge I was doing the best I could within that moment in my life. This is something that we all have to understand about ourselves and others: ultimately we all are doing the best we can. This is never truer then when confronted with someone’s death. It is not a time to judge yourself or others; it is what it is, nothing more and nothing less. Once, you get to a place of acceptance, the judgment slowly moves away and you are able to move on with an open heart. This will allow you to approach all the future dramas that cross your path with true compassion; the drama/pain/trouble will become effortless and much easier to manage. As you embrace and start to really feel the true meaning of compassion you can rely on one thing to support you through the process--Love. It is your essence to your core and you naturally possess the power to share it.
You are love! “Aham Prema”, I am Divine Love!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Happy Birthday America!
Happy Birthday...but whose birthday is it really? The United States' Birthday falls one day before the day I decided to join my family on a small island in the Pacific. I was several weeks late, the local islanders took matters into their own hands, offering my mother some special beans---which at best probably harked back to the infamous Boston baked bean. I am not certain if it was the sound of fireworks or her intestinal pains that might have followed after she ate a big bowl of beans but I finally popped into the world on the fifth of July. With a birthday right after our countries, I have always been able to insure I can celebrate for at least the entire month of July. However, in recent years my birthday has been a time of reflection and giving thanks. In many parts of the world, it is a tradition to give to others on your birthday not receive.
I have adopted this tradition and really ask that no gifts are given to me. Which leads me to my initial question, who's birthday is it really? Is it my birthday? Is it our countries? I think all of those who have grown up in America have something to give thanks for; however, what was really birthed on my birthday or our countries started long before the date we stamped it as the first moment I gasped for air or our country claimed this land to be our own.
What was birthed on our birthday's, we label as our own and was magical, signifies the birth of something new. A moment in time, where a mother whispers thank you when she stares at her child for the first time. A moment when our countrymen, gave thanks for embarking on a new life and founding the birth of the land of opportunity. While, my birth and our nation's takes place years apart plus 1 day, I always carry in my heart the energy of something new being born. I remember the possibilities that were offered and will be continued be offered as we continue to change shift and grow. While, what we coined as opportunity still rings true throughout the world and has become our nation's motto.
The land of opportunity, this year I want to give thanks not for our Fore Fathers but for our Native Fathers and Mothers who preserved and protected this land. The very same way a mother protects her child and how selflessly our native people taught us about working and living with the land. We have made some mistakes along they way like any young child might as they experiment with what is not known. However, I think this year I encourage all of you to not only give thanks for the land of opportunity but for our native fathers and mothers that offered us the greatest opportunity we might have ever been given---a chance for freedom. Instead of toasting our nation, raise a glass to our ancestors who paved a road and sacrificed their freedom for our sweet land of liberty.
Happy Birthday, America.....with deep gratitude to the Native Americans. May we someday return to you all that you have given our Nation!
In Service with Love, Peace and Laughter,
I have adopted this tradition and really ask that no gifts are given to me. Which leads me to my initial question, who's birthday is it really? Is it my birthday? Is it our countries? I think all of those who have grown up in America have something to give thanks for; however, what was really birthed on my birthday or our countries started long before the date we stamped it as the first moment I gasped for air or our country claimed this land to be our own.
What was birthed on our birthday's, we label as our own and was magical, signifies the birth of something new. A moment in time, where a mother whispers thank you when she stares at her child for the first time. A moment when our countrymen, gave thanks for embarking on a new life and founding the birth of the land of opportunity. While, my birth and our nation's takes place years apart plus 1 day, I always carry in my heart the energy of something new being born. I remember the possibilities that were offered and will be continued be offered as we continue to change shift and grow. While, what we coined as opportunity still rings true throughout the world and has become our nation's motto.
The land of opportunity, this year I want to give thanks not for our Fore Fathers but for our Native Fathers and Mothers who preserved and protected this land. The very same way a mother protects her child and how selflessly our native people taught us about working and living with the land. We have made some mistakes along they way like any young child might as they experiment with what is not known. However, I think this year I encourage all of you to not only give thanks for the land of opportunity but for our native fathers and mothers that offered us the greatest opportunity we might have ever been given---a chance for freedom. Instead of toasting our nation, raise a glass to our ancestors who paved a road and sacrificed their freedom for our sweet land of liberty.
Happy Birthday, America.....with deep gratitude to the Native Americans. May we someday return to you all that you have given our Nation!
In Service with Love, Peace and Laughter,
Crowded Room
I walked into a crowded room
Consumed by your eyes and deep stare
Oblivious...remembrance loomed
Engaging me...whispers of a dare
Daring me to remember you
Lives we shared centuries ago
The music played from me to you
Dancing till dawn, where did we go?
To a place we all remember,
Where oh where did we go?
To a place we all remember
Where oh where did we go?
An endless river leading home
Overflowing history banks
Where flowers never stand alone
The sun always sets with deep thanks
Where our dreams merge and never fade
Always rising at dawn in your arms
And our hearts never become jade
Where you seduce me with your charm
To a place we all remember,
Where oh where did we go?
To a place we all remember
Where oh where did we go?
To the depths of the ocean floor
Where the shadows of our darkness
Are consumed by the open doors
Mirroring forgotten likeness
Is it you or is it me?
our forgotten melody rings
I am not sure we can still see
The place that still makes our hearts sing
Where oh where did we go?
To a place we all remember
Where oh where did we go?
To a place we all remember
Let me take you,
please remember
The place you know
And we use to go.
Consumed by your eyes and deep stare
Oblivious...remembrance loomed
Engaging me...whispers of a dare
Daring me to remember you
Lives we shared centuries ago
The music played from me to you
Dancing till dawn, where did we go?
To a place we all remember,
Where oh where did we go?
To a place we all remember
Where oh where did we go?
An endless river leading home
Overflowing history banks
Where flowers never stand alone
The sun always sets with deep thanks
Where our dreams merge and never fade
Always rising at dawn in your arms
And our hearts never become jade
Where you seduce me with your charm
To a place we all remember,
Where oh where did we go?
To a place we all remember
Where oh where did we go?
To the depths of the ocean floor
Where the shadows of our darkness
Are consumed by the open doors
Mirroring forgotten likeness
Is it you or is it me?
our forgotten melody rings
I am not sure we can still see
The place that still makes our hearts sing
Where oh where did we go?
To a place we all remember
Where oh where did we go?
To a place we all remember
Let me take you,
please remember
The place you know
And we use to go.
Authenticity . . . living at your highest truth
Authenticity . . . living at your highest truth
In the past few years, I have been on a journey which I am certain to many family and friends has seemed unexplainable. Many friends and family have created their own opinions and stories around my choices and my life. Acknowledging that, my journey is not anymore important than the next persons on this planet; however, I believe this journey has delivered me to a place of truth and understanding of where I want to reside. You might ask, “So, what does this have to do with me?” I will reply, “A lot! I believe there is value in me sharing the many lessons I have learned thus far and you will find the intrinsic value in your life.”
Recently, I have been travel the world and I have seen many reflections of myself and our society all bundled into each location. I have witnessed cultures becoming extinct, societies crumbling and people loosing hope. On some level, I have watched over the past two years cultures metaphorically transition from one humanity and seeds being planted for a new societies to be born. Each of these experiences has lead me to a place of surrender and letting go of what I think I might know.
Most of our global community has become paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. I could and have chosen fear and paralysis many times in the past few years. However, in those moments when I felt the fear consume me; I decided I did not want to stay there. It would not serve me or anyone around me. Rather than allow the fear to consume me, I used its momentum to propel me forward. Which ultimately has landed me in a place of complete understanding of where I want to stand. I can finally state that I want to stand in authenticity. I have observed many faces of authenticity or lack there of. We all will ultimately have many different faces of truth. However, I have yet to find many people authentically standing in their truth. It is a tall order to live the life that makes us feel the most peaceful; especially, in times when there are so many uncertainties presented to us everyday. Uncertainty invites us to take make extreme choices and over indulge which might serve us in moderation. These layers of authenticity have made me question my own codes of conduct. While still traversing through what feels natural and what I use to help me personally cope and avoid walking in my truth. I have made me want to commit to my highest truth. Rather than get on a soap box and orate all that rings true for me. I just want to embody and integrate all that I know to be my truth in this moment. I want to fully acknowledge that my truth will evolve and change. In case some of you are thinking, “When is she going to start wearing the flowing white robes?”
I share this with all of you to challenge you to examine your HIGHEST truth. Where are you being authentic in your life and where are you continually lead astray? Start by acknowledging what needs to be removed or accepted. It does not mean we all need to be means we might just want to embrace all aspects of SELF and embody it. Embrace the light and dark side of yourself...walk in GRACE!
In the past few years, I have been on a journey which I am certain to many family and friends has seemed unexplainable. Many friends and family have created their own opinions and stories around my choices and my life. Acknowledging that, my journey is not anymore important than the next persons on this planet; however, I believe this journey has delivered me to a place of truth and understanding of where I want to reside. You might ask, “So, what does this have to do with me?” I will reply, “A lot! I believe there is value in me sharing the many lessons I have learned thus far and you will find the intrinsic value in your life.”
Recently, I have been travel the world and I have seen many reflections of myself and our society all bundled into each location. I have witnessed cultures becoming extinct, societies crumbling and people loosing hope. On some level, I have watched over the past two years cultures metaphorically transition from one humanity and seeds being planted for a new societies to be born. Each of these experiences has lead me to a place of surrender and letting go of what I think I might know.
Most of our global community has become paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. I could and have chosen fear and paralysis many times in the past few years. However, in those moments when I felt the fear consume me; I decided I did not want to stay there. It would not serve me or anyone around me. Rather than allow the fear to consume me, I used its momentum to propel me forward. Which ultimately has landed me in a place of complete understanding of where I want to stand. I can finally state that I want to stand in authenticity. I have observed many faces of authenticity or lack there of. We all will ultimately have many different faces of truth. However, I have yet to find many people authentically standing in their truth. It is a tall order to live the life that makes us feel the most peaceful; especially, in times when there are so many uncertainties presented to us everyday. Uncertainty invites us to take make extreme choices and over indulge which might serve us in moderation. These layers of authenticity have made me question my own codes of conduct. While still traversing through what feels natural and what I use to help me personally cope and avoid walking in my truth. I have made me want to commit to my highest truth. Rather than get on a soap box and orate all that rings true for me. I just want to embody and integrate all that I know to be my truth in this moment. I want to fully acknowledge that my truth will evolve and change. In case some of you are thinking, “When is she going to start wearing the flowing white robes?”
I share this with all of you to challenge you to examine your HIGHEST truth. Where are you being authentic in your life and where are you continually lead astray? Start by acknowledging what needs to be removed or accepted. It does not mean we all need to be means we might just want to embrace all aspects of SELF and embody it. Embrace the light and dark side of yourself...walk in GRACE!
"It" will not disappear until you surrender to the thought that
"It" might be with you always!
"It" will not appear until you surrender to the idea
"It" will never arrive.
You may not find what you are looking for
Until you embrace that which is placed in front of you.
You may wander lost until you remember
You know exactly where you are.
You may not think you can live until
your feeling whole and you will not live
Until you remember you are not broken.
You might drive yourself towards sanity
To avoid your madness.
Ultimately, you will not find resolve with
these thoughts, words, or deeds...Until you surrender!
Just Trust!
What lies between two shores?
An exploration of an uncharted sea
A story no longer influenced by history’s past
A story which unfolds at the dawn of each new day
The cravings have subsided and the desires sent astray
Asking of you to come dance on my shore
And I will dance on yours
Exploring the rapture in the uncertainty
Uncovering our laughter
Which feeds heaven’s doors
With no attachment only
Wonderment for what lies
Beneath these once troubled waters
Ready to immerse myself in what has been
Placed in front of us with great serendipity
Rather than run as we have in our Ancient pasts
I stand before you offering you my truth
And giving you my hands with trust and certainty
I ask you to stay awhile
Or as long as our flame continues to burn
Place your shield and staff on the floor
And trust something greater than all our wisdoms
Leading each other with a soft gaze and a full heart
Penetrating each day with a new story…yet to be told
Just Trust that which is to unfold
Hidden Treasure
Soft threads wrapping
around a shell.
A precious stone
buried beneath
the tongue of many
forgotten stories.
Curves with brilliance
in conjecture.
An outlandish,
from the cockles
of the connect.
Chortles rattle
off the hard walls.
Softening the
interior with
each impression.
The mouth opens
revealing truth...
in the belly
of laughter.
around a shell.
A precious stone
buried beneath
the tongue of many
forgotten stories.
Curves with brilliance
in conjecture.
An outlandish,
from the cockles
of the connect.
Chortles rattle
off the hard walls.
Softening the
interior with
each impression.
The mouth opens
revealing truth...
in the belly
of laughter.
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